beautiful Adler

The Hotel Adler, Sharon Springs, NY
The Hotel Adler, Sharon Springs, NY came up in Sharon Springs, New York in 1927. Hotels run their business with the aid of visitors. At one time Sharon Springs was visited by many for its natural Mineral Spring. There was a time when people wanted to escape the crowded city of New York to come to the natural sulphur waters of Sharon Springs.  But everything gradually changed. When Alder came to the scene, the town was already losing its charm and tourism was on the decline. Many resorts, inns and bath houses also accounted for less traffic into Alder. From its very first day of its opening the hotel was under a lot of economical troubles.
After II World War, Jews overtook the town. The town again became a beehive of activity. When the New York State Thruway came up, and Sharon Springs became just a bypass town, the resorts, small hotels, inns and bath houses closed down. Now people had wider horizons to explore. The Hotel Adler, Sharon Springs took many years to shut down. Its closing up came in 2004. The hotel shows signs of vandalism.  There is makeable deterioration in its rooms. The hotel was not demolished unlike few others.
The hotel has been purchased by a group of hotels. The new owners have plans of renovation in their designs. The five storied building of The Hotel Adler, Sharon Springs is looking forward to a bright future. In many places one can still see the glory of the past, when it was a teeming place, full of guests. Even today the furniture in many bedrooms has the look of bygone times in its old phone instruments, bedding and other furniture.
The new owners of The Hotel Adler, Sharon Springs are Koreans, they are NYC based company. Even though there are plans of renovating the hotel, they are but still plans. The hotel is still facing leakage problems, and then there are vandalism signs around the hotel. Arson is also not ruled out.  Investment of $30 to $100 million has been agreed upon, to bring the hotel out of its despairing state. But nothing practical is being done towards it till date. The company had suggested a change or two tothe villagers, but the villagers wanted no change in the establishment. Under the laws of the land the hotel cannot be duplicated. Only thing that can be done by the company is to demolish the whole building and make a new one. But demolishing the building would harm the beauty of the landscape, so that has also been ruled out. People are nostalgic about the place, for the memories that it holds for them. Many old workers are looking forward to the hotel being renovated once again to its glorious past.
People of Sharon have given up on Alder ever being given a glorious past once again. Only people with memories from past stay in the Hotel Adler, Sharon Springs, wish for money with which they could maintain the grandeur of the old place.