six month anniversary idea

Six month anniversary ideas
In this day and age six month relationship is certainly a thing to be celebrated. People falling in and out of love every other day has become a way of living nowadays. So crossing the milestone of six months really calls for a celebration.
How one celebrates is a personal matter of choice. You have had six months time to know your partner, enough hours to get to know each other’s likes and dislikes, now you can use your knowledge to its full advantage for the upcoming six month anniversary day.
Those of you who love movies and like going out can plan out a movie holiday. Take leave from your place of work. Get ready to gear up for the evening. Go and hunt for a new attire. Choose a color that your partner best likes upon you. Matching jewelry can be bought too according to his taste. If you are trying to please the woman in your life, become a macho man with something elegant yet casual, a good musk spray would be a great idea to go along with. Choose a secluded spot for watching a romantic movie while sharing a coke and having popcorns. Go for a candlelight dinner at an expensive restaurant; remember it is a great day, so don’t mind the expenses. Isn’t this a great six month anniversary idea!
For those who love long trips, they can simply pick up their car, or borrow one to go on a long drive among the wilderness.  Remember to carry a picnic hamper with all the favorite food and drinks. Spend a day on the beach which gives you a lot of privacy. Swimming becomes a new experience when in a carefree mood. Present each other gifts. Small personal tokens of love can be a little card, a single flower, or something that will bring sweet memories of earlier days. If you are unmarried, then make it a double anniversary day by proposing for marriage. Let yourself bask in the sun and let the soft music play on the recorder. You can waltz around the open and empty beach.
Six month anniversary ideas are many, tips one can get from friends, from the web, by listening to other’s experiences. But a personal touch is what is required. Spend the day without too much worrying about the success towards its celebration. Best ideas from others might not be to your taste, so plan out what is best for you.
How about a surprise wedding for your six month anniversary idea?